School Ordering System (SOS) is a web package for producing authorised orders, budget tracking and Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) audit documents. Staff can operate SOS from any PC, Mac, Smart phone or Tablet.
SOS provides simple and effective control over the entire ordering process cleverly replicating the purchase ordering book system. The inbuilt security system has encrypted password protection to allow only authorised staff permission to approve orders and coordinators to review their budget.
SOS is user friendly with the layout systematically flowing through the process of teachers keying in a requisition, Coordinators checking their facility’s Budgets (optional) and Principals or Business Managers ticking a Final Approval which converts the requisition into an official purchase order. The order is then ready to be printed or emailed to the supplier.
Each SOS school configures SOS to best suit their procedure such as Email notifications for orders entered and or approved, Coordinator review, Budgets, OH&S Check List audit documents and more.
Reporting on specific criteria such as a Supplier, Staff, Budget, Order Status, OH&S and more are available with by selecting report filters. Archived orders can also be selected for inclusion.
SOS provides better control over budgets, eliminates chasing incomplete orders and prevents unauthorised orders. With its convenience use from a laptop, phone or tablet and email alerts SOS will save you time and money.
Many schools are using SOS as their ordering system. Let us help you to make ordering simple, efficient and secure.