eSchools On Line was established in 2004 after discovering schools used manual purchase order books. The journey to design and write an electronic ordering system began. The School Ordering System (SOS) is operating in public and private schools.
Timetabling is another task schools configure annually or biannually. eSchools has partnered with Lamsno to create a Class TimeTable (CTT) application. CTT takes care of this time consuming laborious task.
Client comments and suggestions are an integral part of eSchools’ success. Listening to clients ensures the applications are designed to target their needs and are continually enhanced in a changing environment.
Our goal is to streamline processes, give Principals and Business Mangers control over the order process, efficient for staff and take the hard work out of scheduling class timetables whilst saving time and cost. Other key factors are to provide a user friendly application with high Security and Compliance.
Many schools are using SOS as their ordering system. Let us help you to make ordering simple, efficient and secure.